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茄萣濕地擁有豐富的歷史故事及生態價值,長久以來卻被忽視其發展潛力, 藉由簡潔且切合環境的設計,我們希望營造出一棟對於人群及棲地生物都能達到雙贏的建築物,並也能充分反應出在地的歷史涵構,讓大家重新認識到這塊土地所帶來的獨特魅力。
Qieding Wetland possesses rich history and ecological values, but it has unfortunately been overlooked for its development potential over the years. Through a simple and neat design that adapts to the environment, we are hoping to build a complex that creates a win-win solution for both humans and habituating organisms. We are also allowing this architecture to fully reflect local historical context, so that everyone can once again become familiarized with the unique charm that this piece of land delivers.
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